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Gouvernance inclusive pour la paix

To strengthen governance for peace in Kasai and Kasai Central, Interpeace and its partners APC and TDH are implementing a project to strengthen dialogues between stakeholders. The dialogue and advocacy actions target local leaders, traditional chiefs, traditional and local authorities, provincial authorities, and national authorities. In a context where violent conflicts arose around the management of customary power and land management, the "Inclusive Governance for Peace" project encouraged the above-mentioned actors to take dialogue as their model for conflict management. They developed a governance for peace action plan in which they identified conflicts and agreed on dialogue actions to be taken. The involvement of provincial authorities, namely the governors of Kasai and Kasai Central, the provincial parliaments of the above-mentioned provinces, and national authorities, namely the Ministry of the Interior, contributes to the effective management of customary conflicts, which used to be the source of violent conflicts, through the application of legal texts that were not known to the actors at the grassroots. The improvement of legal texts and their explanation by the authorities reinforces the better understanding of peace governance by the actors concerned by customary and land conflicts.

Il faut relever que ce projet est appliqué dans la province du Kasaï, du Kasaï central et de Mai-ndombe (territoire de Yumbi) pour une période de quatre ans.


